Spinach and Other Greens

Can only freshly harvested greens. Discard any wilted, discolored, diseased, or insect-damaged leaves. Leaves should be tender and attractive in color.

Procedure: Wash only small amounts of greens at one time. Drain water and continue rinsing until water is clear and free of grit. Cut out tough stems and midribs. Place 1 pound of greens at a time in cheesecloth bag or blancher basket and steam 3 to 5 minutes or until well wilted. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt to pints and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to quarts, if desired.

Hot Pack - Fill hot jars loosely with greens and add fresh boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles, adjust lids and process.

Spinach and Other Greens in Glass Jars
Style of Pack Jar Size Process Time Canner Pressure at "0" ft
dial-gauge weighted-gauge
Hot Pints 70 min 11 lb 10 lb
Quarts 90 min

* CAUTION process 100 minutes if soup contains seafoods.

For processing at above 1,000 ft, see Altitude Adjustments.

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1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes

1001 Greatest Sausage Recipes offers a collection of the world’s greatest sausage recipes. Finding a reliable recipe on the internet becomes harder every day. To gain income from advertising clicks, the majority of large web sites generate thousands of so-called “sausage recipes” and when people search for “sausage recipes” they usually get recipes of dishes with sausages, but not actually how to make them. Unfortunately, the vital information about meat selection, ingredients and processing steps is usually missing.

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